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Posted: December 31, 2012

Now that the leaves have fallen it's easy to take a look at the actual structure of a tree and assess its' shape and health. One concern that is readily identifiable is storm damage that needs to be addressed before it becomes a greater hazard. You may see jagged, ripped or badly broken end-points where a limb or branch was twisted and torn from the tree. This type of damage can severely compromise the health, structure, and strength-bearing ability of the tree. You'll feel a lot better knowing instead of guessing if the tree is safe, especially if it's near or hangs over your house.

The graceful beauty of a tree can be exceptionally deceiving. As it grows to great heights and tremendous width it must support countless limbs and branches plus tens of thousands of leaves. It truly is an engineering marvel.  But like all living things, trees can suffer weakness and illness from injury and disease. If a tree has been injured due to storm damage, it's best to have it evaluated as soon as possible to ensure the tree is helped back to optimum health and strength. Our certified arborists are trained to evaluate a damaged or injured tree, and are appropriately equipped to provide the best remedy to help your tree survive and recover properly.

Winter is a great time to have any type of tree work performed. Without a full canopy of leaves, our arborists can easily review and evaluate the entire tree. Also frozen ground is better at supporting heavy equipment if it is required to remove large pieces of tree.

Take the time to look at your trees to see if there is damage or injury. If you think a tree may need attention give us a call. One of our certified arborists will gladly stop by and address your concerns. It's far better to have the work safely and professionally performed during the winter then wait for the weight above to come crashing down when you least expect it.

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