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Posted: June 21, 2016

Things are heating up in Winona, MN as summer is finally taking hold. Downtown is emptying out for summer vacation, and the lakes are looking more and more appealing as temperatures steadily rise. It certainly is a good time to get out there and enjoy the weather, but you're not the only one that needs a little cool water and R&R once the heat starts coming in. Extreme heat and summer weather can be a lot for your trees to take in as well. If you're looking to keep your tree healthy year round, here are some summer tree care tips from the tree health experts at Maier Tree and Lawn.

Summer may seem like the perfect time to be a tree; lots of sunlight, a little rain, and long days to enjoy it all. But there are dangers to trees in every season. It's true that the sun and the rain are great for general tree health, but too much of either can cause some trouble. Signs such as leaves falling off or changing color in large batches are a good way to tell that something isn't quite right.

The first step in effective summer tree care is to arrange for an evaluation with a tree health expert as soon as something seems different or unusual. For instance, if you think some shriveled leaves on the bottom branches means more water is needed, it's better to check it out early so you can account for differences in weather for the rest of the season. This is especially true if the tree is new or young. Frequent care is particularly vital in the earliest stages of growth.

If everything came out ship-shape from the health evaluation, then it's time to consider the shape of your tree. The second step of proper summer tree care is to make sure your trees are pruned at the proper time. Sometimes that is in the summer and for other species, fall or winter is best. Removing dead or dying portions is important to tree health, and pruning trees to allow sunlight to shine onto the lawn below is a great idea as well. If your tree is shadowing your entire lawn, your grass may not be getting an equal share of the summer sunlight.

Keeping your trees summer-healthy can be tricky since summer is a season of extremes. Storms, wind, and heat can all take a toll under the right circumstances. If you're a resident of Winona, MN and you have concerns about your summer tree care regimen, contact Maier Tree & Lawn today at 507.454.7000, or visit our website here.

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