As soon as winter begins in Rochester, MN, it’s all too easy to think that anything buried under the snow is none of your business until spring. Unfortunately, this can result in some unpleasant surprises once the snow thaws. While it’s not possible to facilitate a snow-free lawn in a state like Minnesota, it is possible to prepare for winter and encourage a healthy lawn even in the coldest months. Maier Tree and Lawn encourages all property owners to take steps to properly prepare their property for the long winter months.

Practicing Pre-Snowfall Lawn Care

It’s difficult to schedule lawn care “pre-snow” in a state where snow can happen as early as October, but there are still things you can do regularly to help maintain a healthy lawn leading up to the big freeze. For instance, mowing, raking, and aeration are some great base-line practices for winter prep.

Raking in particular can be a bit controversial. While it's true that leaving some lawn debris on your property over the winter can contribute to a natural layer of fertilizer, it's important to avoid overdoing it. If you don’t remove enough leaves or other compostables before they all get trapped beneath the snow, those nutrients can quickly grow a life of their own and trap moisture that then leads to issues such as snow mold. 

Post-Snowfall Snow Mold Prevention and Other Care

Once the snow arrives, it will be undeniably harder to maintain a regular lawn care routine. In fact, it’s not uncommon to take the winter off entirely from any maintenance. This isn’t unreasonable, as a lot of snow mold prevention and lawn care is front-loaded before winter really sets in. If you’re really committed to maintaining a healthy lawn year-round in Minnesota, it’s important to keep your eyes peeled whenever a thaw happens as well.

No two winters are the same, and thus maintaining a healthy lawn has to adapt to whatever weather we get. Some winters may be warmer than others, and if freezing and thawing are happening continually, your lawn may take the brunt of those fluctuations. Limit the amount of foot traffic your lawn receives and be vigilant for any excessive accumulation of leaves and debris. 

There’s not a perfect equation for preserving a healthy lawn through a Rochester, MN winter, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. If you’re struggling with snow mold or other lawn ailments after a thaw, Maier Tree and Lawn can help. Rochester area residents can contact us today at (507) 286–8733 or visit our website to find out more about our year-round lawn care support options.


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