Lawn Care Services in Rochester, MN by Maier Tree & Lawn
Lawns in Rochester and Winona, Minnesota go dormant during the winter. With the snow covering the ground and ice on the walkways, it’s hard to imagine any living organism surviving under those cold layers of white fluff. Lawns still thrive though, and interact very much with what is happening above the snowy layer that sits on top of them. It is important to be aware of what is happening to your lawn during the winter months to prevent damage once spring arrives and the snow starts to melt. Maier Tree & Lawn in Rochester, MN offers a few helpful lawn care hints to keep your yard safe from chilly threats during the winter.
Keep heavy traffic to a minimum. We are all guilty of packing down snow in a path to get to the garage, tool shed, or even the door. However, concentrated traffic can have severe effects on your lawn. Be careful with your dormant grass, or it may not green up in the spring as well as the rest of your lawn.
Keep salt on the sidewalks. Rock salt can cause severe damage to your dormant lawn. Make sure you apply ice melting agents only to manmade walkways such as sidewalks and driveways. Be conscious of where you throw your shovels full of snow and ice as well, as you may throw it onto your lawn after salting an icy walkway and unintentionally damage your grass.
Change traffic patterns to prevent ice and snow mold. Southeast Minnesota residents are no stranger to heavy snowfall. One of the most unfortunate events is when ice begins to form under those inches of fresh snow. This creates the perfect environment for snow mold to grow. To prevent snow mold from bothering you in the spring, try changing your traffic patterns. By varying your routes you can prevent some of the compaction and give the area a chance to breath.
Make plans for the spring. Winter is a great time to start working on your lawn care plan for next spring. The plants in your yard are down to their bare bones, so you can see which trees and shrubs need pruning. Spring is also a great time to start over or add something new to your yard. To make planning a little more enjoyable as you stare out the window at your snow covered yard, try hanging a birdfeeder and fill it with your favorite local bird food.
Now is also a great time to contact Maier Tree & Lawn about our annual Lawn Care Service Packages. We offer programs that are completely customized to your lawn to ensure it grows to its full potential. With our expertise and complete lawn analysis, you can be sure your lawn is in the right hands this spring.